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Funtley Lake Report by Tommie Bull - 15/05/2011

At around 3pm I decided I was going to go fishing for a few hours so sorted my bag out and loaded the car. By the time I got to Funtley lake it was 4:30pm, after talking to a bloke who was fishing he told me that motorways was fishing well, and with having had 5 takes on Thursday I headed straight to there. Whilst setting up I didn't see any sign's but thought I would give it an hour or so then if nothing happened move to the beach swim. By the time I got the rods on their spots and baited it was 5pm, the spots where the same spots I had caught from on the Thursday. The bait was the same, the trusted live system. With the rods fishing I put the kettle on and made a brew, I quickly sank that, and then put the kettle on once more.

With the tea made I had a sip then my phone rang, it was Pomps (Dad), whilst on the phone to him my left hand rod pulled tight and the tip pulled round, as I got to the rod the spool tuned twice and I hit it. The fish was in the reeds; only just though, it then kited through the reed to the right but I managed to get her out, then she went straight back in. With a lot of pressure she came out, then decided to go straight for the reeds on my near margin. I kept her out though and she came into open water, where I let her use up her energy. Shortly after she was beaten and slid over the net cord and sank into the mesh. RESULT! upon looking in the net I realized I had one of the original mirrors, and it was the lin I had about 2 year previous whilst on my first ever session with Stewi, back then she went 14lb 8oz. I quickly sacked her up and packed my rods away and awaited Pomps phone call.

When he rang I said come get some pics I’ve got the lin! That was it he was on his way with the camera. 5 minutes later he was stood beside me along with my Mum and little Brother. They all wanted to see her.
I got her on the mat and went about weighing her, on the scales she went 14lb 6oz; 2oz's less than last time. I cared none the less as she was an original! After the pictures were done I slipped her back to her watery home and watched her swim off. Next minute Pomps was doing his usual and moaning at me to hurry up and pack up faster, I didn't want to stay any longer, the Coleman had run out of petrol and I had no water as I emptied it out to fill the bottle with lake water and I had had a fish, so I loaded the barrow a happy boy and pushed it to the car. In total the rods had been out for just shy of an hour, so an hours work and I was finished.

Original Linear
14lb 6oz

Till next time Tight Lines,

Tommie. --- MT² Consultancy © 2021